专业解读新加坡公司注册 | 外国人如何注册公司要点全介绍




In addition to its strategically optimal location in southeast Asia, Singapore is a stable, pro-business country. 


Singapore’s government provides many incentives and benefits to launching a company, including a streamlined, efficient process of incorporation. 



In order to successfully set up a corporation in Singapore, you must complete a process titled incorporation.Incorporation is the process of company formation based on Singapore rules and regulations.


After deciding on Singapore as the origination country, there are a variety of requirements regarding company structure and official documentation. 


公司注册常见问题(将跳转至翼新公众平台):Q&A | 新加坡公司注册常见问题解答

First Step:选择公司注册名称


The first step in establishing a legitimate company in Singapore is to choose a company name and receive name approval. The name must be original and not contain any prohibited or undesirable words.


These restrictions include similar or identical names to existing businesses. The business must identify its business activities with a maximum of two business activities as described by the SSIC code.

Second Step:选择公司注册类型


Additionally, you must specify what type of company from the seven different company type options:

  • 豁免私人有限公司(Exempt Private Company)

  • 私人股份有限公司 (Private Company Limited by Shares)

  • 公众股份有限公司(Public Company Limited By Shares)

  • 公众担保有限公司(Public Company Limited By Guarantee)

  • 无限私人公司(Unlimited Private Company)

  • 无限豁免私人公司(Unlimited Exempt Private Company)

  • 无限公众公司(Unlimited Public Company)


There are many different options that will fit based on number of shareholders and company operations. 

以“有限公司(Ltd)”结尾的公司通常是股份有限公司或担保有限公司,而以“私人有限公司(Pte Ltd)”结尾的公司通常是股份有限公司与豁免私人有限公司。

Companies ending in “Ltd” are typically public companies limited by shares or guarantee, while companies ending with “Pte Ltd” are typically private companies limited by shares and Exempt Private Company.

Third Step:决定财政年度结束(FYE)


Next choose a financial year end (FYE) and determine the according documents that must be submitted yearly. 


If you decide on a 12-month accounting period starting 1 Jan 2023, your company’s FYE will be 31 Dec 2023. 


For new companies, your company’s FYE can be extended to a maximum of18 months from date of incorporation.


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If you are a foreigner or foreign company intends to set up your establishment in Singapore, you can set up operation in four ways:




Introduced by The Companies Act 2017, this is for foreign corporate entities whom wish to transfer the registration to Singapore and retain the corporate history and branding.


The transfer will not affect the obligations, liabilities, properties or rights of the foreign corporate entities. To meet the size criteria, foreign corporate entity must meet any 2 of the below:

  • 外国公司实体的总资产价值超过1000万新币;

  • the value of the foreign corporate entity’s total assets exceeds S$10 million;

  • 外国法人实体的年收入超过1000万新币;

  • the annual revenue of the foreign corporate entity exceeds S$10 million;

  • 外国法人实体拥有50名以上员工;

  • the foreign corporate entity has more than 50 employees;


Foreign company needs to submit certified true copy of the constitution, incorporation certificate, etc. 


Since the process involves approval of the government agency, The processing is about 2 months.




A Singapore representative office has no legal status, the name must be the same as the parent company, it acts a temporary set up to explore potential business opportunities and marketing research before the official establishment in Singapore, it is not allowed to engage in any business activities. 


The registration is submitted to Enterprise Singapore and processing time is about 5 working days. 


The registration needs to be renewed every year to a maximum 3 years subject to approval. 

总部需派代表前往,并可向新加坡人力部(MOM)申请工作就业准证(Employment Pass)。常驻代表专职人员不得超过5人。

And a representative is required from the headquarter and may apply Employment Pass with MOM. The representative cannot have more than 5 full time staffs.


The foreign entities must meet the following criteria to proceed with application:

  • 外国实体的销售额必须大于25万美金

  • Sales Turnover of the foreign entity must be > US$250,000.

  • 常驻代表专职人员不得超过5人

  • Proposed No. of staff for Representative Office should be < 5 people.

  • 外国实体成立的年限必须大于3年

  • No. of years of establishment of the foreign entity must be >= 3 years





This is the most common company type adopted by foreigners is to set up a subsidiary or local Private Limited company.


Company name can be different from parent company, shares can 100% held by the foreign company or foreign individual.


The processing time is fast, most of the time the registration can be down within 1 working day.


If shareholder is foreign company, you need to provide Incorporation Certificate, foreign company representative’s IC and proof of address.


If shareholder is foreign individual, you need to provide passport, IC and proof of address. 

这些公司大多使用“私人有限公司(Pte Ltd)”,这意味着该公司是一家私人公司,股东人数有限,责任有限。

Most of these companies use “Pte Ltd” which means the company is a private company with a limited number of shareholders and limited liability.


Shareholders are not personally liable for the company losses and debts. The maximum liability of the company is capped at the amount of shares contributed.


The company can enjoy local tax benefits. This company type is very popular because of the tax efficiency and liability aspects associated with a private limited company.





A branch office is different from representative office, the company name must be the same name as the parent company, you must have a local director and branch office is an extension of foreign entity. All foreign companies are required to lodge their financial statements including Balance Sheet and Income Statement, as well as of the Singapore Branch office. 


Even there is a change in foreign companies’ director, you are required to lodge the updates with ACRA within 30 days of change.


The liabilities of the branch office can extend to the parent company and cannot enjoy local tax benefits, the registration usually takes 1 working day.


If you decide to register a Singapore Subsidiary or Local Company, after establishing information above, the next step is to decide the essential roles in the company and other essential information: an appointed local company director, appointed local company secretary, shareholder information, a registered Singapore address, and financial information.


The local secretary’s responsibilities entail administrative duties and ensuring that all the directors and shareholders are informed of their obligations, including filing annual returns. The local director’s responsibilities are managing company affairs, setting the company’s strategic direction, ensuring accurate and timely record keeping, preparing financial statements (if applicable) and adhering to corporate filings and other disclosures. 


If you are a foreigner and do not have a local PR or citizen to appoint as Company Director, the local director can be appointed by a third party, such as a Secretarial Company. 


All named individuals must provide valid passport information and proof of residence. Financial information consists of startup registered capital with minimum of S$1 and paid-up capital. Shareholders are individuals or entities that invest capital in the company in exchange for partial ownership in the company. Shareholders can be 100% foreign individuals or foreign entities as long as the local director and secretary meet the requirements stated above. 

The Fourth Step:签署最终文件

接着下一步是由公司利益相关各方签署最终文件。第一份文件是董事协议(Form 45),董事同意履行其所属职责并进行签署。第二份文件是股权分配协议(Form 24),该文件意为核实股份分配,并需股东签署。

The next step in this process is for the company stakeholders to sign the final documents. The first document is titled Form 45 which is a form signed by the director, agreeing to his or her position. Form 24 verifies the allotment of shares and requires the signatures of shareholders.


The first minute form (first board resolution form) requires signatures from all company directors and entails that the first board meeting will be held within a month. The Register of Controllers (RORC) requires information of the ultimate controllers and decision makers of the company. 


After submitting the aforementioned information to the local secretary, you can expect a response in 3-5 business days, sometimes you may get it done within one working day.

内容为一份名为Bizfile的商业文件,其中会显示您的公司基础信息,包括公司的唯一实体编号 (UEN),这是实体与政府机构进行交互的标准标识号,也作为税务识别号;以及公司经营活动的识别号公司成立日期公司注册地址注册资本以及股东董事信息等。

The response is a Bizfile document which indicates your company information including Unique Entity Number (UEN) which serves as the tax identification number and company name, incorporation date, registered address, capital, shareholder and director information etc.


There is an option to purchase a certificate of incorporation from ACRA. Company Constitution will also be drafted by the Secretary and provided with the bizfile.

The Fifth Step:开设企业银行账户


Once you have the Bizfile and Constitution, the company can begin opening bank accounts in order to become fully incorporated. The companies have the option to open a digital bank account with ANEX Bank, Wise or Aspire because of its easy process and convenience. 


Additionally, companies can apply for a corporate bank account with CIMB, DBS Bank, Maybank, OCBC Bank, or UOB immediately after registration. Currently, there are stricter requirements for foreigners to open corporate bank accounts in Singapore. 


In order to mitigate risks of money laundering, the company must provide documents to prove there is a need for a bank account. Some examples include tenancy agreement, business license, company CPF contribution, sales contract/invoices, etc.

Sixth Step:企业所得税申报表


After incorporation, a foreign shareholder or/and director may apply for an Employment Pass through the Ministry of Manpower, after Employment Pass is approved and issued successfully, the Employment Pass Holder can become sole director of the company, meaning that the company will no longer require a nominee resident director.

公司注册后,需要注意以下要求和截止日期。公司必须在财政年度结束的7个月内呈报年审,填写企业所得税申报表的截止日期为财政年度次年的11月30日。收入低于500万新币并符合其他税收要求的公司可以填写C-S表,而收入低于20万新币的公司可以填写C-S (Lite)表,或大型公司填写C表(Form C)。

There are a variety of requirements and deadlines to be aware of after incorporation. A company must fill out an Annual Return within seven months of its FYE. The deadline for filling out Corporate Income Tax Return is November 30, which can include Form C-S for companies with revenues of less than S$5 million and meet other tax requirements, Form C-S (Lite) for. Companies with revenues of less than S$200,000, or Form C for larger companies.


If the company is registered for GST, these returns must be filed on a quarterly basis with a deadline of one month after the end of the accounting period. For companies with local employees, the Central Provident Fund (CPF) contribution must be submitted before the 14th of next month.Lastly, companies limited by guarantee or companies with share capital that are exempt from audit requirements must submit an Annual Declaration of Solvency within one month from the AGM.


Intro to Esin Group company and services

Looking for guidance on setting up your company? Consult Esin Group. 



Esin Group is an international corporation with offices in Singapore and China. This company serves a diverse clientele, guiding them through a multitude of business and personal processes for the client to properly establish themselves in Singapore.


Esin Group is an international corporation with offices in Singapore and China. This company serves a diverse clientele, guiding them through a multitude of business and personal processes for the client to properly establish themselves in Singapore.


Esin Group services include business incorporation and corporate secretarial services, accounting, tax, global mobility, family office services, HR outsourcing, and concierge services.



